Providence LASIK

LASIK Eye Surgery Providence, RI

TLC Laser Eye Centers

10 Orms Street, Suite 220
Providence, RI 02904
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Providence, Rhode Islands’s Laser Eye Surgery Center

At the TLC Providence Laser Eye Surgery Center, our team of professional and caring staff is here to make sure that you succeed in your LASIK journey.

TLC Providence LASIK surgeon Dr. Ezra L. Galler is a board-certified ophthalmologist who has practiced in Rhode Island since 1995. He received his medical degree from Boston University School of Medicine and has lectured internationally on laser vision correction.

We are excited to share our knowledge and experience that comes from thousands of satisfied patients. Our patient success stories say it all. Visit our Providence LASIK Center for a free consultation, including an in-depth eye exam, and to discuss all your questions. We will go over all the LASIK options available for you and get you started on your way to better vision.

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Meet Your TLC LASIK Eye Surgery Providence, RI Team

Why choose TLC Laser Eye Surgery Center in Providence, RI?

When it comes to LASIK eye surgery in Providence, RI, TLC Laser Eye Surgery Center is the premier choice for exceptional vision correction. Here’s why you should choose us:

Experienced LASIK Surgeons: Our highly skilled LASIK surgeons in Providence, RI have extensive experience and a proven track record of delivering outstanding results. With their expertise and precision, you can trust that your vision is in capable hands.

State-of-the-Art Facility: Our Providence, RI center is equipped with the latest technology and advanced surgical equipment, ensuring optimal results and a safe procedure. We prioritize your comfort and safety throughout your LASIK journey.

Personalized Patient Care: At TLC Laser Eye Surgery Center, we believe in providing individualized care to each patient. Our friendly and knowledgeable staff will address all your concerns and guide you through the LASIK process, ensuring that you feel comfortable and well-informed at every step.

Exceptional Outcomes: We are committed to delivering excellent outcomes and helping you achieve clear, crisp vision. Our focus on quality care, combined with advanced technology, ensures that you receive the best possible results from your LASIK surgery.

Benefits of LASIK Providence, RI:

  1. Improved Vision: LASIK can significantly improve your vision, allowing you to see clearly without the need for glasses or contact lenses. Many patients experience 20/20 vision or better after LASIK, enhancing their quality of life and overall visual experience.
  2. Convenience and Freedom: Say goodbye to the hassles of glasses and contact lenses. With LASIK, you can enjoy the freedom of clear vision throughout the day, whether it’s for work, sports, or leisure activities. No more worrying about misplaced glasses or discomfort from contact lenses.
  3. Enhanced Performance: LASIK can improve your performance in various activities. Athletes, in particular, benefit from the improved visual acuity and reduced dependency on corrective eyewear. Whether you’re playing sports or engaging in outdoor activities, LASIK can give you a competitive edge.
  4. Cost Savings: Over time, the cost of glasses, contact lenses, and associated maintenance can add up. LASIK offers a long-term cost-saving advantage as it eliminates or reduces the need for these expenses. While the upfront cost of LASIK may seem significant, it can be a worthwhile investment in the long run.
  5. Quick Recovery: LASIK offers a relatively quick recovery time compared to other surgical procedures. Most patients experience improved vision within 24 to 48 hours after the surgery. You can resume your daily activities with minimal downtime, enjoying the benefits of clear vision sooner.

How much does LASIK surgery cost in Providence, RI?

The cost of LASIK surgery in Providence, RI can vary depending on several factors, including the specific procedure, the technology used, and the individual needs of the patient. To get an accurate estimate of the cost, we recommend scheduling a consultation at TLC Laser Eye Surgery Center. Our friendly staff can provide you with a personalized evaluation and discuss the associated costs. We also offer affordable financing options to help make LASIK more accessible for our patients.

When comparing LASIK costs, consider the doctor’s experience and technology used, as cheaper prices could mean less expertise and outdated lasers. Low initial quotes may not include comprehensive evaluations, follow-ups, and extra services like bladeless LASIK or Wavefront mapping. While tempting, an unusually low LASIK price could indicate cut corners. Focus on quality over cost when researching your LASIK provider.

Does Insurance cover LASIK in Providence, RI?

While most insurance plans do not typically cover LASIK as it is considered an elective procedure, it’s advisable to check with your insurance provider to understand their specific coverage policies. At TLC Laser Eye Surgery Center, we strive to make LASIK affordable and accessible. We offer various financing programs that can help you manage the cost of the procedure. Our team will work closely with you to explore the best financial options available.

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FAQs about LASIK Eye Surgery in Rhode Island

Considering LASIK eye surgery in Providence, RI? Here are some frequently asked questions to help you better understand the procedure:

  1. What is LASIK? LASIK (Laser-Assisted In Situ Keratomileusis) is a popular refractive surgery that uses a laser to reshape the cornea, correcting common vision problems such as nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism. It is a safe and effective procedure that can significantly reduce or eliminate the need for glasses or contact lenses.
  2. Am I a candidate for LASIK? Determining your candidacy requires a comprehensive eye examination. Generally, suitable candidates are over 18 years old, have a stable vision prescription, and are in good overall eye health. Our experienced team will evaluate your specific circumstances and advise you on the best course of action.
  3. Does LASIK hurt? During the LASIK procedure, numbing eye drops are used to ensure your comfort. While you may experience slight pressure or mild discomfort, the surgery itself is typically painless. Many patients report improved vision shortly after the procedure.
  4. What is the recovery process like? LASIK offers a relatively quick recovery time. Most patients notice improved vision within 24 to 48 hours after the surgery. You may experience some mild temporary side effects, such as dry eyes or sensitivity to light, but these typically subside within a few days.

Who is a candidate for LASIK in Providence, RI?

LASIK is a highly effective vision correction procedure, but not everyone is a suitable candidate. Here are some general criteria for LASIK candidacy in Providence, RI:

  • Stable Vision: To be considered for LASIK, your vision prescription should have remained stable for at least one year. Fluctuating vision can affect the accuracy of the procedure’s results.
  • Age Requirement: Most LASIK surgeons in Providence, RI recommend that candidates be at least 18 years old. This is because the eyes typically stabilize in their development by this age.
  • Good Overall Eye Health: Candidates should have healthy eyes, free from any conditions such as glaucoma, cataracts, or severe dry eye syndrome. Additionally, certain corneal conditions or diseases may impact candidacy, which can be evaluated during a comprehensive eye examination.
  • Realistic Expectations: Candidates should have realistic expectations about the outcomes of LASIK. While the procedure can significantly reduce dependence on glasses or contact lenses, it may not guarantee perfect vision or eliminate the need for reading glasses as you age.

It’s important to note that determining candidacy for LASIK requires a thorough evaluation by an experienced LASIK surgeon in Providence, RI. They will assess your individual eye health and vision needs to determine if LASIK is the right option for you.

How long is LASIK recovery in Providence, RI?

LASIK offers a relatively quick recovery time compared to other surgical procedures. While individual experiences may vary, here is a general timeline of what to expect during LASIK recovery in Providence, RI:

  • Immediate Post-Operative Period: After the LASIK procedure, you may experience some mild discomfort, such as a gritty sensation or slight burning. Your eyes may be sensitive to light, and your vision may be temporarily blurry or hazy immediately after the surgery. These effects are normal and should subside within a few hours.
  • First 24 to 48 Hours: In the first day or two following LASIK, you will likely notice improvements in your vision. However, it’s common to experience some fluctuation and mild visual disturbances during this time. It’s important to follow the post-operative instructions provided by your Providence, RI LASIK surgeon, which may include using prescribed eye drops and avoiding activities that can strain your eyes.
  • Initial Weeks: Over the course of the first few weeks, your vision will continue to stabilize. You may have scheduled follow-up visits with your LASIK surgeon in Providence, RI to monitor your progress and ensure proper healing. During this period, it’s important to avoid rubbing your eyes and to protect them from irritants such as dust or chemicals.
  • Long-Term Recovery: While you will likely experience significant visual improvement within the first few weeks, it’s important to note that your eyes will continue to heal and adjust over several months. Most patients in Providence, RI achieve their final visual acuity within three to six months after LASIK.

During the recovery period, it’s crucial to attend all post-operative appointments with your Providence, RI LASIK surgeon and follow their instructions diligently. If you have any concerns or questions about your recovery, don’t hesitate to reach out to them.

Remember that these are general guidelines, and individual experiences may vary. Your LASIK surgeon in Providence, RI will provide you with specific instructions and guidance tailored to your unique circumstances to ensure a smooth and successful recovery.

What is the Average Cost of LASIK Eye Surgery in 2024?

When considering LASIK eye surgery, cost should not be the only factor. While prices may range widely from $1,999 to $2,999 per eye*, quality matters most. Choosing an experienced LASIK provider who offers a thorough evaluation, advanced technologies, follow-up care, and service guarantees ensures better outcomes and value over time.

What Impacts the Cost of LASIK?

Several key factors influence LASIK pricing:

  • Surgeon Expertise and LASIK Technology used – More experienced surgeons with access to state-of-the-art laser platforms may have higher fees but achieve better results.
  • Bladeless LASIK and Wavefront-Guided LASIK – These advanced options provide greater precision but come at an added cost.
  • Comprehensive Evaluations and Follow-Up Care – Ensuring complete pre-op and post-op care requires additional appointments and testing.
  • Service Guarantees – Reputable practices stand behind their work through lifetime commitment programs.

While upfront fees for LASIK may vary, quality surgical outcomes, follow-up care, and guarantees provide better long-term value. Thoroughly researching providers allows patients to find this optimal balance of reasonable pricing and exceptional service.



*Refractive Surgery Council. “Balancing the Cost of Vision Care: Making the LASIK Decision from a Financial Perspective,” May 7, 2023.

TLC Partners With Your Providence, RI Eye Doctor

At TLC Laser Eye Surgery Center in Providence, RI, we believe in fostering a collaborative relationship with your trusted local eye doctor. Here’s how our partnership benefits you:

  • Coordinated Care: We work closely with your Providence, RI eye doctor to ensure a seamless LASIK experience. From initial consultations to post-operative care, our collaborative approach ensures continuity and optimal results.
  • Shared Medical Records: Through our partnership, we facilitate the sharing of important medical records and diagnostic information between our LASIK surgeons and your eye doctor. This allows for a comprehensive understanding of your eye health history, enabling informed decision-making and personalized care.
  • Ongoing Relationship: After your LASIK procedure, your Providence, RI eye doctor will continue to be your primary eye care provider. They will monitor your eye health, conduct regular check-ups, and address any concerns or questions you may have. This ongoing relationship ensures consistent and comprehensive care.
  • Enhanced Communication: Our partnership fosters effective communication channels between our LASIK center and your eye doctor. We believe that collaborative communication leads to better patient outcomes. By working together, we can optimize your LASIK results and provide a seamless experience.

By choosing TLC Laser Eye Surgery Center in Providence, RI, you benefit from our collaborative approach with your trusted eye doctor. This partnership ensures that you receive the highest standard of care before, during, and after your LASIK procedure.

Contact us today to schedule a FREE consultation and discover how our partnership with your eye doctor can provide you with exceptional LASIK care and help you achieve clear, glasses-free vision.

Providence, RI LASIK Eye Surgery Center Reviews

5 Stars·214+ Reviews
I can't say enough about how amazing the experience was from start to finish at TLC. EVERY interaction I had was pleasant, calm and supportive. The doctors and nurses were attentive and caring. And within 24 hours I was seeing 20/15! Not even 20/20, 20/15! 😂 I'm so happy with my decision to go to TLC and I recommend to anybody that's been waiting a while to get the LASIK procedure, just do it, and do it at TLC!
Dennis B. from in the last week

Dennis B.

in the last week

I can’t recommend this place enough. Everybody makes you feel so comfortable about the procedure. Everyone is so nice and friendly, they go over everything and answer all your questions. I had a million questions and concerns about my light sensitivity, my hatred of contact lenses and things touching my eyes, and allergies that make my eyes dry and itchy. They answered them all and made me feel good about the procedure. The actual procedure was like 20 min long, I’d say the pain level was about a 4 out of 10. It’s just the initial pressure on the eye…
Jon M. from a month ago

Jon M.

a month ago

well, the staff was A+++, Really a great group of people. The procedure was quick and easy and everyone was communicating with me the whole way through. Making me feel extremely comfortable and confident. The facility was very professional and extremely clean and well organized. I would definitely recommend TLC to anybody looking to get Laser eye surgery
Jim . from 2 months ago

Jim .

2 months ago

This place is amazing. The process of getting LASIK was smooth and easy. From the consultation to the day of surgery. Everyone is very knowledgeable about the procedure and always keep the patients informed about what procedure is best or if you aren’t a good candidate at all! I love my new life and can’t recommend it enough to my peers.
Jorge P. from 3 weeks ago

Jorge P.

3 weeks ago

The TLC team was AMAZING! The space was clean and sanitary. A very comforting environment. All staff and Doctors were friendly. The surgery itself was painless and quick (about 15 minutes - 7 minutes each eye) The longest time is the wait/down time. You are given a Valium to help relax you, which helps tremendously. Post op, you’re required to take a nap - best nap I’ve had in awhile! The doctor walks you through everything he is doing. The staff is comforting you with words and light touch (great bedside manner!) I couldn’t have asked for a better experience!
Tatyana R. from 4 months ago

Tatyana R.

4 months ago