A fourth-year optometry student at Southern California College of Optometry at Marshall B. Ketchum University, Diana Nguyen was one of three finalists who was awarded the TLC Laser Refractive Excellence Scholarship in 2019.
Diana Nguyen of Fremont, California exudes passion and determination. Her father was an optician who often told her how much he loved and respected the optometry profession. A former television news reporter, Diana decided to switch careers to optometry because of her love of interacting with patients.
Using her former experience as a reporter, Nguyen took a creative approach to her scholarship video essay. Live from the ‘TLC Laser Eye News Center,’ Nguyen reported on her experiences at Camp Pendleton Naval Hospital –the source of her inspiration and clinical interest in laser vision correction.
During her fourth-year rotation at Camp Pendleton, one of the largest Marine bases in the United States, Nguyen observed many PRK and LASIK surgeries and handled pre-op and post-op patient care for servicemen and women. It was here that she met Sgt. Evan Picker of the United States Marine Corps.
Before being deployed to Iraq, Sgt. Picker underwent laser eye surgery to correct his vision problems. Prior to the procedure, Sgt. Picker could barely see two feet ahead of him and says his new and improved vision has given him the ability to serve his country. Diana worked alongside many other Marines who claimed their laser refractive surgeries saved their sight from the consequences of contact lens overuse.
After witnessing firsthand the life-changing effects of laser refractive procedures, Diana was inspired to dedicate her career to laser vision correction.
Learn more about the TLC Laser Refractive Excellence Scholarship and meet another one of our impressive winners, Joshua Falk.